Green Print

While natural selection, survival of the fittest is part of any business, competition for our Earth’s natural resources is also getting tougher and tougher.

Now, Green Print offers you a unique opportunity to strengthen your business while protecting our natural resources.

Green Print includes all the ingredients of eco-friendly printing:

• Recycled paper
• Vegetable-based inks
• Alcohol-free components
• Recycling of by-products.

But here’s where Green Print stands apart. We provide you with a way to proudly display the positive impact your project had on the environment.

First, we consult with you to select the most eco-friendly components for your project including the type of press, paper, sheet size, inks and more. Then we use our proprietary software to calculate the environmental benefits of your printed product.

Our system is based on the most current data from the Environmental Protection Agency and other sources, and it has been reviewed by environmental experts.

The cost? The paper and printing costs are the same as a non-Green Print project. We offer this service at no additional cost to our clients, and you’ll still benefit by our quality and value.

Our Green Print tagline can be used on your project at no additional cost.